Termite Inspection
Evaluation of the structure for wood destroying insect activity that can provide a HUD form for your mortgage company as may be required.
Evaluation of the structure for wood destroying insect activity that can provide a HUD form for your mortgage company as may be required.
Our licensed radon measurement technicians can conduct testing for unacceptable levels of radon, as advised by the State of New Jersey.
To ensure your protection, the National Fire Safety standard requires that a Level II internal chimney inspection be conducted whenever a house is bought or sold.
An internal sewer scope camera evaluation is essential to ensure that you are fully informed.
A property that has not been properly searched for an underground oil tank means that the new home buyer is responsible for any contamination that may exist due to a leaking tank.
Testing for and/or taking physical samples to assess the actual levels of mold in a home or building.
All Inspections can be Bundled and Conducted in Just One Visit!
Our full narrative report is considered by many Attorneys & Realtors to be the best in the industry. All comments provide clear explanations of all areas inspected, the significance of our findings and recommendations for servicing, repair and/or replacement of deficient items. We use Pictures and Specific Icons to highlight important comments and information that is essential to help you make an Informed decision.